
We are investigating the molecular basis of neurodegenerative disorders and psychiatric diseases using both in vivo and in vitro systems via a variety of techniques including neurobiology, structural biology, genetics and proteomics. In conjunction, we are seeking to uncover the structural basis of yeast prion strains and transmission barriers, and to identify novel functional prions or protein aggregates that play physiological roles in cells.

Press Releases

Dr. Kai Sato received the Poster award in the Translation Machinery in Health and Disease at the Gordon Research Conference (GRC)!
Mechanistic understanding of chaperone-mediated amyloid disaggregation
~Critical roles of exposed chaperone-binding site in amyloid disaggregation~
Dr. Kai Sato received the 1st Place in the Disease Award category of the CBS Retreat 2024 Poster Award at RIKEN CBS Retreat 2024!
Dr. Yoshiko Nakagawa was selected to give an oral presentation at the “EMBO Meet the Editors” session at the Molecular Biology Society of Japan!
Mr. Shingo Tamai (PhD student) won the IUPAB2024 Student and Early Career Researcher Poster Award at the IUPAB2024 International Conference!
Dr. Yoshiko Nakagawa made an oral presentation at the IUPAB2024 International Conference!
Dr. Yoshiko Nakagawa received the RIKEN Ohbu Award 2023!
Our reseach was published in「CBS Magazine Fall and Winter 2023 Vol.6」!
Mr. Shingo Tamai (PhD student) won the Best Presentation Award at the Science Pitch of the 46th Annual Meeting of the MBSJ!
Dr. Kai Sato was selected as an oral presenter at the CBS retreat and presented his research!
Both Dr. Yoshiko Nakagawa and Mr. Shingo Tamai (PhD student) won the Best Poster Award at the APPS2023 International Conference!
Dr. Takashi Nomura made an oral presentation at the APPS2023 International Conference!
Our research was featured in the Research Highlight of RIKEN Research 2023!
~An over-reaction when protein synthesis stalls can lead to neurodevelopmental disorders in mice~
Our research was introduced on the Riken website!
-Protein quality control and neuropathy-
Mr. Shingo Tamai won the bronze prize at the 27th Biophysics Conference (Hualien, Taiwan)!
Dysregulation of ribosome-associated quality control elicits cognitive disorders via overaccumulation of TTC3
Dr. Yusuke Komi won the poster award (second place) at the APPS2022 International Conference!
Dr. Toshiharu Sano won the short presentation award at the APPS2022 International Conference!
Mr. Shingo Tamai won the best presentation award at the CSB meeting for younger scientists!
Dr. Takashi Nomura won the presentation award at the CSB meeting for younger scientists!
Mr. Nayan Suryawanshi received the UCSF-CBS Young Investigator Exchange Travel Award and presented his work at the retreat of UCSF (Pacific Grove, CA)!
Dr. Keisuke Mochida was appointed as a JST PRESTO researcher!
Reconstituted yeast prion propagation
-Disaggregation mechanism depends on amyloid conformation–
News & Views
Picturing protein disaggregation
RIKEN Research News (2022.5.26)
Three chaperones coordinate the breakup of amyloid fibrils in yeast
Species barrier in yeast prion infection
-Short disordered segment regulates prion transmission barriers-
RIKEN Research News (2020.7.17)
A short segment of a prion protein plays a critical role in its susceptibility to cross-species prion transmission
Protein segregatome analysis during yeast cell division
-A new mechanism for septin-dependent cell compartmentalization-
Protein pileup affects social behaviors through altered brain signaling
−Sequestration of GABARAPs by p62+ aggregates disrupts social behavior

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